The Rev. Henry Willenborg, a Roman Catholic priest in Quincy, Ill., in 1987 performing the baptism of his son, Nathan.
Is religion a force for good or a force for bad?
"True religion is real living; living with all one's soul, with all one's goodness and righteousness."
- Albert Einstein
We could well ask are human beings good or bad? Like many things, religion is what we make of it. We can take religious principles to help become a better, more peaceful, more compassionate person. At the same time, we can use religion as a self-justification for our own ego, our own pride and use religion as a false justification to wage war in the name of some divine ideology.
"Common men talk bagfuls of religion but do not practise even a grain of it. The wise man speaks a little, even though his whole life is religion expressed in action."
- Sri Ramakrishna
It is true, that there is no religion that has not been misused by its own adherents. But, it is also true, that there is no religion that has not provided an inspiration for people to live a more divine life.
What is the Essence of Religion?
"The essential thing in religion is making the heart pure; the Kingdom of Heaven is within us, but only the pure in heart can see the King. "
- Swami Vivekananda
If we look at different religions, the inner message is to become better people, to cultivate a greater love of God and offer good will to our neighbours. If we look at the outer aspect of religion, we will see imperfections and mistakes in all religions. But, at the same time, if we live the inner reality of religion, we only see a common thread of divine oneness.
Does Religion Create War?
"The pious sectarian is proud because he is confident of his right of possession in God. The man of devotion is meek because he is conscious of God's right of love over his life and soul."
- Rabindranath Tagore
Religion creates war, when people focus on the outer manifestation and pride of religious affiliation. Quite often people have come to the conclusion that only their religion is right, and other interpretations are wrong. Not only do people think that their religion alone is right. But, so grievously wrong are different forms of religion that this justifies any means to convert people to their religion.
"All fanaticism is false, because it is a contradiction of the very nature of God and of Truth. Truth cannot be shut up in a single book, Bible or Veda or Koran, or in a single religion. The Divine Being is eternal and universal and infinite and cannot be the sole property of the Mussulmans or of the Semitic religions only, "
- Sri Aurobindo
The irony of this belief is that often religious confrontation is usually between religions which have many things in common, but, differ on some particular interpretation of a teaching ideology.
The religious disputes between Catholicism and Protestantism are one example. Sharing the same holy book, the same Prophet - Jesus Christ, there was yet a violent disagreement about interpretations of the message of Jesus and the message of the Bible. In the name of religious purity, many were killed, tortured and burnt at the stake - all in a bid to rid heresy and establish the One true religion.Was this the intention of a prophet like Jesus Christ - to have a vicious fight to establish a certain interpretation of his teachings?
If we don't get bogged down in dogma, we cannot fail to appreciate the overriding message of Jesus Christ - which was a message of love and forgiveness. - To love your neighbour, - even your enemy. To love God, and to forego the pleasures and vanity of the world to seek the kingdom of heaven within.
In bitter religious disputes, we see the failure of its adherents to understand the essential aspect of their own religion. They ignore the Divine consciousness and become obsessed with a meaningless outer dispute over outer forms.
Fortunately, we have examples of religious people who come to embody and manifest the essence of religious experience. These God-intoxicated saints, do not spread a message of hatred, supremacy or need to quibble other theological dogma. They are characterised by their purity, compassion and good will to all. This shows religion can be a force for good, if we only live it in a divine way.
We could say, there is a human religion which is based on human egoism, human pride and the desire to assert ones supremacy. This human religion may claim adherence to divine ideas, but, actually the religion is nothing but a smokescreen for their own human foibles.
The divine religion quietly offers the experience of oneness, divine love and peace amongst men. The divine religion has nothing to do with hatred, supremacy or theological dispute. It only seeks to bring the divine consciousness into man. - a consciousness that can only uplift the world.
1 comment:
The Inquisition
Sooner or later, any discussion of apologetics with Fundamentalists will address the Inquisition. To non-Catholics it is a scandal; to Catholics, an embarrassment; to both, a confusion.
It is a handy stick for Catholic-bashing, simply because most Catholics seem at a loss for a sensible reply. This tract will set the record straight.
There have actually been several different inquisitions. The first was established in 1184 in southern France as a response to the Catharist heresy.
This was known as the Medieval Inquisition, and it was phased out as Catharism disappeared.
Quite separate was the Roman Inquisition, begun in 1542. It was the least active and most benign of the three variations.
Separate again was the infamous Spanish Inquisition, started in 1478, a state institution used to identify conversos—Jews and Moors (Muslims) who pretended to convert to Christianity for purposes of political or social advantage and secretly practiced their former religion.
More importantly, its job was also to clear the good names of many people who were falsely accused of being heretics.
It was the Spanish Inquisition that, at least in the popular imagination, had the worst record of fulfilling these duties.
The various inquisitions stretched through the better part of a millennia, and can collectively be called "the Inquisition."
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