Do not turn your glance from this shining star, if you do not want to perish in the storms.
Whoever you are, since you see that you are drifting along the stream of time amidst storms and tempests rather than walking upon solid ground do not turn your glance from this shining star, if you do not want to perish in the storms. When the storm winds of temptations arise, when you are heading for the cliffs of anxieties, look up to the star and call on Mary. When you are being swept along by the waves of arrogance or ambition, or of slander or jealousy, look up to the star and call on Mary. When anger, greed or the pleasures of the flesh threaten to capsize the little ship of your soul, look up to Mary. When you are confused by the terrible extent of your guilt, ashamed of the stains on your conscience, horrified by the fear of judgment and are in danger of sinking into the pit of sadness, into the abyss of despair, then think of Mary.
In dangers and anxieties, in doubt and need, think of Mary, call on Mary. Let her never leave your lips, let her never depart from your heart. And in order to obtain an answer to your prayers, do not cease to imitate her life. Following her, you shall not stray; invoking her, you shall not despair; thinking of her, you shall not wander. Upheld by her, you shall not fall; shielded by her, you have nothing more to fear; guided by her, you grow not weary; favored by her, you reach the goal.
(Office for the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary, written by St. Bernard of Clairvaux)

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